Letting go and coming alive

How do you let go the past

Roger Bennett
3 min readJun 1, 2021

I am not talking about your wonderful memories that are forever etched in your mind or heart as part of the tapestry of your life. I am talking about your limiting thoughts and beliefs.

It is easy to say “Let go the past, let go your limited thinking, let go your fears, let go your conditioning, but this is everything you have ever been taught, experienced or thought”.

It is easier said than done.

You make a conscious decision to let go the past, because you know your past is holding you back. Your past thinking and conditioning has given you limitations, and your belief system has been infiltrated with these limitations to such an extent that you have come to really believe them.

You are determined to realise the potential you know you have, but the past is so deeply ingrained that when you start acting as though you have freed yourself from the past, fear steps in. Fear is coming from the past and it is telling you, you can’t do this, you are not capable, and so it goes on. This fear pulls you back and confirms your limitations, so you stay where you are. We remain locked in our uncomfortable comfort zone.

How do we get out of it? Something I am working on at the moment.

Essentially we are two people, a human being and a spiritual being. Our human being has dominated us and our thinking all our lives, because we are living in the physical world. However it is our spiritual being that can help us, but we have never really connected. Perhaps now is the time to do so. I feel I am on a spiritual path and yet I am having difficulty in letting go the past. I suppose my problem is that I am expecting a miracle and that it will happen instantly. I am sure it can.

If we can move out of our uncomfortable comfort zone a couple of things happen. Firstly: We move into the field of uncertainty. We are in unchartered waters and this scares us and we want to get back into the so called safety of our uncomfortable comfort zone, where we know how things work. Past thinking takes a firm hold on us and Logic steps in. Secondly: We are also in the field of all possibilities. The past is left behind. All our limiting and negative thoughts and conditioning don’t exist anymore.

In the field of all possibilities, anything is possible and miracles can happen. There are no obstacles, real or imagined.(95% of all obstacles are created in our thoughts). It is in the field of all possibilities that we can release our intentions into the universe, in the certain knowledge that what we are asking for will come to pass, and we will receive what is right for us. The secret is to detach ourselves from the process and the outcome. One way of doing this is to meditate daily and release your intentions during meditation, then let them go.

Unfortunately we are so used to trying to control the process that we try to second guess how it is all going to happen. We also want the result now. This is the way we human beings are. However once we interfere, we take over the process and effectively move back into the past.

We have to have faith belief and trust in the process, and things will happen that we, as human beings, cannot quite fathom. If we don’t, we will remain where we are.

This all takes practice, patience and persistence. I am continuing to work on it.

Yours in thought and love


